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 ReTrain  Your  Mind 
 ReWild  Your  HearT 

Why be afraid of "what if's" when you can learn easy options that can transform your anxiety into action and confidence?
One On One Coaching
50 min

Know ThySelf is about YOU.


Together we discover who you are - your natural talents and skills. Next, we create a new capacity for Grit, Ingenuity, Stealth and Backbone!

One on One Coaching
connect with sandaura
  • Dealing with an Ex or Boss?

  • Trying to Leave a Relationship?

  • Afraid of a neighbor, family member or acquaintance?


...Or maybe worried about a friend's safety?



Sandaura's mailing address:

7151 Okelly Chapel Rd  #201

Cary, North Carolina 27519



Take The Quiz
Do you live alone?
How do you talk about your intimate relationship with others?
Do you have someone you confide in?
Is your home unsafe for you?
Is there a friend/family member you are concerned about?
Which one is the least safe place for you?
Take the Quiz
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